Crimean astrophysical town Scientific. Telescope named after Academician G. Shayna
The Federal State Budgetary Institution of Science "Crimean Astrophysical Observatory of the Russian Academy of Sciences" (FSBIS "CrAO RAS") was established in 1945 as an institution of the USSR Academy of Sciences based on the Simeiz department of the Pulkovo Observatory, founded in 1908. The main part of the observatory is located in the village of Scientific (about 14 km from Bakhchisarai) at an altitude of 600 m above sea level. Here is the administration, scientific library, experimental optical production and 17 optical telescopes (including the second largest optical telescope in Russia - the 2.6 m telescope named after academician GAShain, the first in Europe and so far the only a second-generation gamma-ray telescope equipped with a photo-polarimeter, a unique complex of solar telescopes).