The Strapatente cave ("Arma") is one of the most amazing caves of Finale area. It is a natural gallery of about 70m that crosses the Bastionata di Boragni from side to side.
The column in the centre of the photo is a lonely stalagmite.
I'm not a speleologist nor a climber, I just made a few walks in the woods of Finale Ligure area, following the nature trails that lead to the many caves in this carsic land. These aren't really the best photos I've ever shot, but finding the right path to these caves and shooting in the dark (without artificial light) have been two challenges that I faced with pleasure :)
Ligurien (italienisch: Liguria) ist eine Küstenregion in Nordwestitalien. Ligurien ist die drittkleinste italienische Region. Es grenzt an Frankreich im Westen, Piemont im Norden und Emilia-Romagna und die Toskana im Osten. Im Südwesten grenzt es an das Ligurische Meer, einem Teil des Tyrrhenischen Meeres (nördliches Mittelmeer).