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This was shot on a lovely summer's evening on Cornești Plateau. This place is the highest part of Târgu Mureș.
It provides opportunities to spend time away from mundane circumstances. The main attractions here are the town's zoo, a playground that provides facilities for fitness and children and a somewhat rideable miniature railway with a scenic route that goes in circles.
Târgu Mureş [ˈtɨrɡu ˈmureʃ] (ältere Schreibweise Tîrgu Mureş, dt. Neumarkt am Mieresch, ung. Marosvásárhely [ˈmɒroʃvaːʃaːrhɛj]) ist eine Stadt in Siebenbürgen, Rumänien. Sie ist Hauptstadt des Kreises Mureş und hat etwa 146.000 Einwohner (Stand 2007).