Taken a few years ago now but happy to have made this finally.
I am not a big fan of HDR panos but thought i would give it a go in this case.
Went for a slight HDR feel going for a surreal style....had some problems with the zenith but all in all reasonably happy with this.
I have heard this year the hut pictured here will be closed to hikers as the local government will be doing renovations - not a bad idea as any one who has experienced the horror that is going to the toilet in the hut on a summer's day will know what i mean ! Also you can see the interior of the hut in one of my other panos and it is bent out of shape - the floor rolls and the walls are warped pretty badly.
The bad news is there will be no where to stay near the peak so if you want to watch the sunrise from the crater it is going to mean hiking up during the night to make it up in time for the sunrise. Keen ? Appartently it's fun ; )