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Laigueglia is a small town of the western coast of the Ligurian Sea, the "Riviera di Ponente". The 360 photo presents the interior of the Church of St Matthew, "San Matteo", that is one of the most interesting churches of the west Riviera. Built in mid 18th century, it is characterized by a greek cross, the dome having octagonal base. Very evident on the floor is the coat of arms with the large black eagle. In fact the name of Laigueglia comes from the its roman origin: "Aquila" (eagle) then evolved in "La Aquilia" and later "La Aiguellia". The eagle therefore is the coat of arms of the town and it can be seen in different places.
Ligurien (italienisch: Liguria) ist eine Küstenregion in Nordwestitalien. Ligurien ist die drittkleinste italienische Region. Es grenzt an Frankreich im Westen, Piemont im Norden und Emilia-Romagna und die Toskana im Osten. Im Südwesten grenzt es an das Ligurische Meer, einem Teil des Tyrrhenischen Meeres (nördliches Mittelmeer).