This amazing Baobab tree is one of two mature trees growing in Barbados. With a girth of nearly 45 feet, it is thought to be about 250 years old. This is the second time I photographed this one. The first time was Jan-2013 and surrounding shrubbery had not been planted. However, I digitally removed the graffiti that was carved into the bark. On this image, I left it in. It angers me that people do this to such a magnificent tree. But what can you do? The recently constructed office building seen here was aptly named "Baobab Tower". This tree is growing in the Warrens area but the other one located in Queens Park (Bridgetown) is even larger and may well be over a thousand years old! Update: This image was taken in Dec-2013. Just recently (Aug-2014), a mosaic artwork was applied to the retaining wall. Instead of retaking the entire over again, I Photoshopped the mosaic into the existing image. This is partly due to the fact that nothing else in the area has really changed and also that I was just being lazy.