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Wikipedia: St. Michaelis, called Michel, is one of Hamburg's five main Protestant churches (Hauptkirchen) and the most famous church in the city. St. Michaelis is a landmark of the city. It is dedicated to the archangel Michael. A large bronze statue, standing above the portal of the church shows the archangel conquering the devil.
The 132 m-high baroque spire totally covered with copper is a prominent feature of Hamburg’s skyline and has always been a landfall mark for ships sailing up the river Elbe.
Hamburg: Second largest city of Germany, situated in the north at the river Elbe, because of the seaport well known as a city of merchants. Because of the nearby sea, you will always have some fresh breeze while you are walking through the streets with nice private town-houses or while you are floating along aboard an “Alsterdampfer” on the river Alster.