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  文昌孔庙位于文昌市文城镇文东路77号。史建于北宋庆历年间,明洪武八年(1375年)迁于现址,建筑面积3300平方米。是海南省保存得最完整的古建筑群,也是我国南方最具特色的古文化游游点之一,被誉为“海南第一庙”。   文昌孔庙这一古建筑群是文昌古代教育的摇篮,也是文昌近现代教育的发祥地,1994年被省政府确定为第一批省级重点文物保护单位。文昌孔庙文化区的古建筑群是文昌作为文化之乡的重要历史见证。   文昌孔庙现已修葺一新。平面布局严谨,左右对称。庭院宽广,占地面积共3300平方米。前庭中轴线上布有棂星门、泮池、状元桥和温文尔雅的于孔子全身塑像。桥边一古井、名曰“圣泉”,泉水清甜,数百年从未干涸。后院主建筑 为大成门和大成殿,大成门前立有数米高的孔夫行教像一尊,大成殿属框架式木结构,重檐歇顶,古朴庄重。内设孔子神龛、神像、神牌、四配十二哲神位、楹联,祭器齐全。还有清代康熙皇帝玺印的“万世师表”、嘉庆皇帝玺印的“圣集大成”、咸丰皇帝玺印的”德齐帱载”、光绪皇帝玺印的“圣协时中”四块涂金 描红的巨匾,赫然悬挂殿中。楹联,祭器齐全。   文昌孔庙内诸多建筑上雕刻的花草、鸟兽、历史人物千姿百态,堪称杰作。后院两旁的庑殿内,新近还增添了孔子箴言和名家书画、山东曲阜孔庙、孔府、北京孔庙孔子72弟子图谱的展览。   文昌孔庙以它古色古香的明、清两代建筑工艺和启蒙益智的儒家文化氛围,深深地吸引着莘莘学子、海外华侨和国内外各界游客。   简介转载自:
Copyright: Hkaxiong
Type: Spherical
Resolution: 8042x4021
Taken: 05/10/2012
Uploaded: 03/11/2012


Tags: hainan; wenchang; wencheng
More About Hainan Province

Hainan (English name: Hai Nan). Capital: Haikou, referred to as: Joan. Hainan Province on April 13 -1988, the Seventh National People's Congress adopted the first meeting of "the decision on the establishment of Hainan Province" and "On the Establishment of the Hainan Special Economic Zone of the resolution "; April 26, 1988, the CPC Hainan Province Committee of Hainan Provincial People's Government formally. Since then, Hainan became a province of the youngest and largest special economic zone, Hainan's development has entered a new historical period. South China Sea on Hainan Island is a bright pearl, is second only to the country's second largest island of Taiwan. Hainan is the smallest land area of China, the largest province of the marine area.

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