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Połonina Caryńska (Berehowska) - one of the pastures in the Bieszczady mountain range located between the valleys Prowczy and Wołosate where lie Brzegi Górne and Ustrzyki Górne. From the north side Przysłup Caryński separates the massif of Magura Stuposiańska, and on the south sied - by Wyżniańska Pass. The Połonina Caryńska massif has four climaxes, the highest is Kruhly Peak (1297 m). Others have a height of 1245, 1239 and 1148 m above sea level. Its south-western slopes are short and steep slope down towards the valleys, and the north-eastern milder form ridges separated by valleys of small streams. Panorama of Połoniny Caryńskie is extensive, with a prominent massif United Rawka, Połoniny Wetlińska and a group of the highest peaks of the Polish Carpathians: Tarnica and Halicz. Nowadays Połonina Caryńska is protected by law as a part of the Bieszczady National Park. More: http://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Po%C5%82onina_Cary%C5%84ska