The interior of the cathedral is spread over three large naves, about 80 meters long (it is the largest Portuguese cathedral). In the central nave (the highest), there is the altar of Nossa Senhora do Anjo (also called in the city Senhora do Ó), in baroque carving, with gothic images of the Virgin, in polychrome marble and the Angel Gabriel. The pulpit (in marble) and the magnificent pipe organ (both from the Renaissance period) can still be admired in the central nave. In the transept, the ancient chapels of São Lourenço and Santo Cristo (which communicates with Casa do Cabido) and the chapels of Relíquias and Santíssimo Sacramento, both decorated with opulent gilt carvings, open. In the left nave, near the entrance, the baptistery opens, closed by beautiful railings from the Renaissance period. At the northern top of the transept is the beautiful Renaissance portal (attributed to Nicolau Chanteréne) of the Chapel of Morgados do Esporão (which had a grave in it).