The Palace of Vila Flor was aristocratic residence, warranted by Tadeu Luís Fonseca and Camões, Lidalgo from the Royal House, in 1759. It was the Mecenas of the Vimaranese Academy, and author of several books. In 1852, when Guimarães was raised to the city, his owner Count of Arrocela, here received the Queen D.Maria II, King D.Fando II, the Royal Principe (future d.Pedro V) and the Duke of Porto (future King D.Luis). In 1891 the house is acquired by the Manager and Booster of the Company of Guimarães Railways, António de Moura Soares Veloso. In this house the inauguration of the railway line was celebrated in 1884, and that same year the first industrial exhibition of Guimarães. The palace would be subsequently acquired by Bernardino Jordan, UNITED LIGHT AND POWER Supply dealer, which would open to inauguration in 1909, the power supply of electric light to Guimarães. After his death, his children projected the conversion of the Palace of Vila Flor in a hotel, built the wing wing, but they would eventually sell the building. In 1976 the palace was acquired by the municipality of Guimarães, who set here the Guimarães Polo of the University of Minho. Here was created the Cultural Center Vila Flor, with two auditoriums, exhibition areas, restaurant and parking.