This beautiful, shady square with a fountain in front of the Winter Palace was not always a public space.
Something is constantly blowing up in Russia. After the assassination attempt on the tsar in 1880 (he planted a bomb under the dining room of the Winter Palace, Khalturin, the one after whom the street in Perm is named!) organized a buffer garden between the Winter Palace and the roadway, since the windows of the private chambers of the royal family looked out here. And although after that the royal family moved to Tsarskoe Selo forever, the newly organized garden became a closed territory for many years. Citizens were not allowed into the garden.
As expected, an architectural competition for landscaping, flower beds, fencing, etc. was organized. Openwork lattice in 1900, it was even presented at the world exhibition in Paris! The fence, as a symbol of the unity of power and people, is symbolic at the world exhibition!