The Citânia de Santa Luzia, known locally as "old city", is one of the best known castros in the North of Portugal and, undoubtedly, one of the most important for the study of Proto-History and the Romanization of Alto Minho. Its strategic location allowed it to not only dominate vast areas of the riverside coastal area, but also to control the movement of entrances and exits in Foz do Lima, which, in Antiquity, would be navigable over a large part of its course.
The village has its own characteristics, mainly in terms of architectural structures, with emphasis on the polygonal apparatus, used in some houses, which had a circular plan with a vestibule or atrium and, in some cases, housed bread baking ovens.
The area of the village corresponds to about one third of what would be its true size.
It is bounded by three lines of wall, complemented by turrets and two moats