The Vogelsburg is an ancient monastery located just above the loop of the river Main. The site has been inhabited since the Stone Age. The first monastery was founded here in the 15th century. It has been destroyed and rebuilt again. In the 19th century, during the secularization, the monastery was closed down. After many changes in ownership, the building is now owned by the Foundation “Juliusspital Würzburg”, which dates back to the 16th century. To support the charitable work of the foundation, the founder endowed the Juliusspital with several vineyards. Nowadays, the Juliusspital – still a charitable foundation – is the second-largest winery in Germany.
Wikipedia: La Franconie (en allemand Franken) est une région géographique et historique du centre-sud de l'Allemagne. Depuis 1815, elle est annexée à la Bavière, dont elle représente aujourd'hui environ les 2/5 nord du territoire. Elle rassemble aujourd'hui 3 des 7 circonscriptions administratives (Regierungsbezirke) bavaroises : Moyenne-Franconie (Mittelfranken), Basse-Franconie (Unterfranken) et Haute-Franconie (Oberfranken).