Wyżna Prehyba (słow. Vyšná Priehyba, 1982 m) - very prominent peak (actually a hump) in the Main ridge Krywania branch in the Slovak High Tatras. From the north-eastern side of the hump Krywania passes, separated by a saddle on Przehybami (Sedlo on priehybami). Is the peak zwornikowym; in the south-easterly direction away from the side, short back Krywańskiej Kopa (1767 m separated Krywańską Przehybą (Krivánska Priehyba), from south-west side adjacent to the Nizhny Przehybą (1779 m) elevation separates the saddle between Przehybami (sedlo Priehyba). Vyšné Przehyby Western slopes fall back to the Valley Koprowej. on the north side of the ridge is ugly gully, on the south valley Terianska. eastern slopes descend to the Great Żlebu Krywańskiego leads them green trail bypassing top Vyšné Przehyby on the east side. from the trail of tourists set out to undercut the path on a cliff above the Przehybami Pass, overlooking the valley Koprową.