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Maxim Ritus
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Kiev, Ukraine, Europe
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Maxim Ritus
Heritage. Kyiv Pechersk Lavra. Assumption Cathedral. XP03.
Maxim Ritus
Heritage. Kyiv Pechersk Lavra. Assumption Cathedral. Exposition of the Drohobych iconostasis of the Church of St. George. XP02..
Maxim Ritus
Heritage. Kyiv Pechersk Lavra. Assumption Cathedral. XP01.
Maxim Ritus
Synyava. Saint Nicholas Church. 1730. Xphase 2.
Maxim Ritus
Synyava. Saint Nicholas Church. 1730. Xphase 1.
Maxim Ritus
Horodyshche-Pustovarivs'ke. Mill. Xphase.
Maxim Ritus
Berezna.Church of the Nativity of the Holy Mother of God. 1891-1893. Xphase 2.
Maxim Ritus
Berezna.Church of the Nativity of the Holy Mother of God. 1891-1893. Xphase 1.
Maxim Ritus
Parkhomivka. Church of the Holy Intercession. 1903-1907. Xphase 10.
Maxim Ritus
Parkhomivka. Church of the Holy Intercession. 1903-1907. Xphase 9.
Maxim Ritus
Parkhomivka. Church of the Holy Intercession. 1903-1907. Xphase 8.
Maxim Ritus
Parkhomivka. Church of the Holy Intercession. 1903-1907. Xphase 7.
Maxim Ritus
Parkhomivka. Church of the Holy Intercession. 1903-1907. Xphase 6.
Maxim Ritus
Parkhomivka. Church of the Holy Intercession. 1903-1907. Xphase 5.
Maxim Ritus
Parkhomivka. Church of the Holy Intercession. 1903-1907. Xphase 4.
Maxim Ritus
Tartakiv. Lyantskoronskih palace. 2014.
Maxim Ritus
Ugniv. Synagogue in the Art Nouveau style of the early 20th century. The upper part. 2014.
Maxim Ritus
Ukraine. Kyiv. Andreevskaya church and Podol
Maxim Ritus
Vyshcheol'chedaiv. The farmstead sugar breeder Naftul Kogan. Dance Hall.
Maxim Ritus
Ukraine. Kyiv. Pechersk Lavra.
Maxim Ritus
Kyiv. Pechersk Lavra. Trapezna (Refectory). Church of Anthony and Theodosius.
Maxim Ritus
Odessa. Opera house and old city center.
Maxim Ritus
Ukraine. Kyiv. Sophia. Inside3. 2015.
Maxim Ritus
Kam'yanets'-Podil's'kyi. View of the old town from the canyon. Centre. 05.
Maxim Ritus
Ukraine. Kyiv. Sophia Square. Evening.
Maxim Ritus
Mikulintsy. Roman Catholic Church of the Holy Trinity.
Maxim Ritus
Buchach. Castle, Town Hall, catholic church, monastery and city panorama.
Maxim Ritus
Heritage. Shevchenkove. Temple of St. Panteleymon.
Maxim Ritus
Heritage. Kyiv. St Andrew's Church.
Maxim Ritus
Heritage. Lutsk Castle (Lubart Castle). Inside.
Maxim Ritus
Olyka. Trinity Church.
Maxim Ritus
Heritage. Gubkiv. Castle. Right below us.
Maxim Ritus
Potelich. Church of Holy Spirit. Look from heavens.
Maxim Ritus
Ostrog Synagogue
Maxim Ritus
Sokal. St. Nicholas Church.
Maxim Ritus
Odessa. Opera house and old city center.
Maxim Ritus
Sokal. St. Nicholas Church.
Maxim Ritus
Ukraine. Kyiv. Sophia Square. Evening.
Maxim Ritus
Buchach. Castle, Town Hall, catholic church, monastery and city panorama.
Maxim Ritus
Heritage. Kyiv. St Andrew's Church.
Maxim Ritus
Tartakiv. Lyantskoronskih palace. 2014.
Maxim Ritus
Vyshcheol'chedaiv. The farmstead sugar breeder Naftul Kogan. Dance Hall.
Maxim Ritus
Heritage. Lutsk Castle (Lubart Castle). Inside.
Maxim Ritus
Ukraine. Kyiv. Sophia. Inside3. 2015.
Maxim Ritus
Chortkiv. Сhurch of St. Stanislav
Maxim Ritus
Kam'yanets'-Podil's'kyi. View of the old town from the canyon. Centre. 05.
Maxim Ritus
Ostrog Synagogue
Maxim Ritus
Ukraine. Kyiv. Pechersk Lavra.
Maxim Ritus
Ukraine. Kyiv. Andreevskaya church and Podol
Maxim Ritus
Potelich. Church of Holy Spirit. Look from heavens.
Maxim Ritus
Ozhehivka. Church of the Intercession of the Holy Mother of God. 1882. Xphase 4.
Maxim Ritus
Parkhomivka. Church of the Holy Intercession. 1903-1907. Xphase 9.
Maxim Ritus
Parkhomivka. Church of the Holy Intercession. 1903-1907. Xphase 8.
Maxim Ritus
Parkhomivka. Church of the Holy Intercession. 1903-1907. Xphase 10.
Maxim Ritus
Parkhomivka. Church of the Holy Intercession. 1903-1907. Xphase 7.
Maxim Ritus
Parkhomivka. Church of the Holy Intercession. 1903-1907. Xphase 5.
Maxim Ritus
Parkhomivka. Church of the Holy Intercession. 1903-1907. Xphase 6.
Maxim Ritus
Parkhomivka. Church of the Holy Intercession. 1903-1907. Xphase 4.
Maxim Ritus
Parkhomivka. Church of the Holy Intercession. 1903-1907. Xphase 3.
Maxim Ritus
Parkhomivka. Church of the Holy Intercession. 1903-1907. Xphase 2.
Maxim Ritus
Parkhomivka. Church of the Holy Intercession. 1903-1907. Xphase 1.
Maxim Ritus
Berezna.Church of the Nativity of the Holy Mother of God. 1891-1893. Xphase 1.
Maxim Ritus
Berezna.Church of the Nativity of the Holy Mother of God. 1891-1893. Xphase 2.
Maxim Ritus
Horodyshche-Pustovarivs'ke. Mill. Xphase.
Maxim Ritus
Synyava. Saint Nicholas Church. 1730. Xphase 1.
Maxim Ritus
Synyava. Saint Nicholas Church. 1730. Xphase 2.
Maxim Ritus
Heritage. Kyiv Pechersk Lavra. Assumption Cathedral. XP01.
Maxim Ritus
Heritage. Kyiv Pechersk Lavra. Assumption Cathedral. Exposition of the Drohobych iconostasis of the Church of St. George. XP02..
Maxim Ritus
Heritage. Kyiv Pechersk Lavra. Assumption Cathedral. XP03.
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