The Cloister of King Dinis, also known as the cloister of silence, was built by King Dinis himself in the 14th Century. It replaces the original cloister which, judging from the traces of the brackets in the church and Chapter house, must have been lower and of simpler structure. This was the central area of the Moastery, around which the main buildings where erected; the Church, the Chapter House, the Parlatory, the Monk´s Hall, the Refectory, the Kitchen and , on the upper floor, the Dormitory. This was an area used by the monks to go from one place to another, allways in the strictest silence. The galleries on the ground floor were completed in 1311, the work being attributed to Domingo Domingues and Master Diogo. Their original volumetry was altered by the addition of the upper floor (1505-1519) by order of Abbot Jorge de Melo, under the direction of Master Juan de Castillo with the collaboration of Nicolau Pires.