Banská Štiavnica, deutch Schemnitz, hungarian Selmecbánya je mesto ležiace v strede Slovenska. V minulosti bola vďaka významnej ťažbe striebra známa aj ako strieborné mesto. V súčasnosti je mesto Banská Štiavnica zaradené do Svetového dedičstva UNECSO.
Banská Štiavnica, Gernan Schemnitz, Hungarian: Selmecbánya - often the short form is used: Selmec, is a town in central Slovakia in the middle of an immense calderacreated by the collapse of an ancient volcano. For its size, the caldera is known as Štiavnica Mountains. Because of their historical value, the town and its surroundings were proclaimed by the UNESCO to be a World Heritage.