From: http://www.melbournebikefest.com.au/about
Celebrating Bikes in Everyday Life
Bikefest is produced by The Squeaky Wheel, a grass roots producing and advocacy initiative devoted to taking the sport out of transport. Our vision is for bike riding to be a mainstream transport choice in Australian culture, and our mission is to promote bike riding as inclusive and delightful through cultural engagement.
We present an annual festival (Bikefest), a bicycle valet parking service (Roll Up Bicycle Valet) and activities throughout the year in partnership with cultural, industry and community organisations. The next Bikefest will take place in February/March 2012.
We aim to provide accessible, non-competitive and celebratory events for bike riders of every ability and riding style.
By showcasing the breadth of bike culture in Melbourne, we want to break down stereotypes around bike riding and celebrate it for what is really is - a fundamentally good way to get around!