Boragni is an almost unheard-of very small village in Finale Ligure's inland, dating back to the middle age but restored during the last centuries.
The village lies on the top of a hill in the middle of a valley, in a superb panoramic position. The unmistakable dome of the little octagonal church can be easily seen from the overlooking highway.
The houses were built very close to each other, forming a single vaulted gallery that sometimes opens to private gardens, backyards and terraces.
The popular tradition attributes this architectural solution to the need to defend the village from saracen attacks or sieges, but more probably the term "saracen borough" indicates the similarity of this one with others southern mediterranean villages.
Boragni represents a unique case in northern Italy of an entire village built around a covered walkway and still nearly intact.
Ligurien (italienisch: Liguria) ist eine Küstenregion in Nordwestitalien. Ligurien ist die drittkleinste italienische Region. Es grenzt an Frankreich im Westen, Piemont im Norden und Emilia-Romagna und die Toskana im Osten. Im Südwesten grenzt es an das Ligurische Meer, einem Teil des Tyrrhenischen Meeres (nördliches Mittelmeer).