"Dörzbach" is a village in the district of "Hohenlohe" in "Baden-Wuerttemberg". In the midst of the village you find the castle “Eyb”. The oldest parts of “Eyb” date from the 12th Century. Until the 15 Century, the castle had a much checkered history with many owners. From the late 14th Century until 1601 the lords of the castle were the family Berlichingen. Since the year 1601, the castle is owned by the family of Eyb.
Nikon D5000 | Nikkor 18-135 | Panoramic Tripod Head homemade | 38 Pictures | ISO 200 | 1/250 sec. | F8 | 18mm | PTGui | PaintShop Pro
Baden-Wuerttemberg is the most south west land of Germany