根据黄氏重修族谱,2003年5月28日板,黄守全主笔之记载,黄氏祖先自湖北黄州麻城县孝感乡移籍四川资州东乡东一里,就在杨泗滩一代代传丞下来,从普诊至恒山已是十四代.目前就这条线下面已到了十八代至十九代,这个黄家大瓦房,现在看来破旧不已,但当初确是农村上好的家业,我于2011年6月9日到此,井还是那个井,水还是那个水,几十年上百年只是用而不管,现在因为漏水而半井,但养育了十几代黄家子孙会记得此井此水啊,所以拍此全景,以为留念,发于google 360网站,永作记念,让千万个黄家子孙看后还记得有此记载,我是老哥,是黄氏入川后的十六代子孙.QQ号为269365563
Sichuan Province, the "River"or "Shu", the provincial capital of Chengdu, located in southwest China, the Yangtze River, in longitude 97 ° 21 '~ 108 ° 31', latitude 26 ° 03 '~ 34 ° 19' between. To benefits, benefit, Azusa, Kui four named, the province of the total area of 48.5 square kilometers. Brief plateau phase the west, east of the Three Gorges Xianfeng overlap, north of Qinling Bashan barriers surround the south Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau, the formation of a famous Sichuan Basin. Sichuan Province, vast land and has a long history since ancient times to enjoy the "Land of Abundance"reputation.