A short trip to Tokyo, spring 2013.
A couple of smaller, newly reconstructed temple buildings are located behind the big red pagoda on a lovely clear spring day at Takahata Fudoson aka Kongo-ji, at Hino in western Tokyo.
360度パノラマ 金剛寺 東京都日野市 高幡不動尊 五重塔 聖天堂 大師堂
Tama area is the name of the western part of Tokyo Metropolis. It consists of 26 cities, 3 towns and a village. A lot of people (about 4 milion) live in a eastern half part of the area. However, there are many mountains in the western part of Tama area, and there are very little flat land. Many hiking spots are in the western area, so you can enjoy walking on the trail, camping, and so on. If you see the beautiful mountain scene, you may not believe this is also in Tokyo.