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(from http://gondola.trtc.com.tw/howtoexplore_b.htm) Zhinan Temple, also known as Xiangong Temple, honors the Master Lu Dungbin. This Taoist master is very deeply adored by the people, and is addressed by the respectful term of Xiangong rather than his name. Zhinan Temple is located 2 kilometers past National Chengchi University on Monkey Mountain. Zhinan Temple incorporates elements from Confucianism, Taoism, and Chinese Buddhism and is one of the most revered temples in Taiwan. This is an imposing and grand temple that has a great deal of cultural and artistic significance in its magnificent carvings and decorations. The deities of Zhinan Temple attract a wide range of the faithful to pay homage, especially on festival days. Festivals bring throngs of faithful to burn incense, with men and women packed so tight no one can move. There is also a Dream Interpretation Room where those with troubled souls can stay the night and seek answers in their dreams.
指南宮又名「仙公廟」,所奉祀的主神是純陽祖師呂洞賓,他是一位深入民間的道教神仙,家喻戶曉,民間尊稱「仙公」而不直呼其名諱。 指南宮位於政大後山約2公里的猴山上,是儒、道、釋三教同體的廟宇,被認為是台灣道教聖地之一。其規模宏偉莊嚴,雕繪精巧金碧輝煌,兼具文化與藝術價值。指南宮神明靈驗,信徒廣增,香火一向鼎盛,尤其祭祀節日,總見來自各地的善男信女至此進香,人潮將寺廟擠得水洩不通。寺廟另設有「祈夢室」,供信眾夜宿祈願,指點迷津。