Jinghai Temple is one of the top ten law Ming Temple , located in the Yangtze River, Nanjing Shimonoseki , lions south of Shanxi , is part of yuejianglou scenic .
Ming Yongle Emperor Zhu Di ordered the construction of Jinghai Temple . In 1842 , the British invasion forces and the Qing government to negotiate between the two shores of the Yangtze River in this Jinghai Temple Lane . At this temple , the meeting about the ( Treaty of Nanjing ) , decided to cede Hong Kong .
( Treaty of Nanjing ) is a modern Western capitalist countries imposed on the Chinese people who first unequal treaty . British invasion force way to force China to accept its aggression requirements , which makes the independent status of the Chinese national sovereignty destroyed. Seizure of Hong Kong , China's territorial integrity is destroyed , the loss of an independent status. Western capitalism became a trading port for Chinese colonial plunder and unequal exchange in the center. Huge compensation increased the financial burden of the Qing government , but passed on to the working people who make their lives more difficult. After ( Nanjing Treaty ) signed , the Western powers looting , have forced the Qing government to sign a series of unequal treaties. Since then, China began to become a semi-feudal society .