资中地处四川盆地中部,东邻东兴区和安岳县,南接威远县,西连仁寿县,北靠资阳市。 资中占地1734平方公里,辖33个乡镇,总人口131万人,属亚热带湿润气候,春早夏长,年均气温17.4℃,年均降雨量1007.7毫米,境内土地肥沃、物产丰富,是全国商品粮、生猪、水果、特种水产基地。资中位于沱江中段,距省会成都140公里。成渝高速公路、321国道、成渝铁路及沱江横贯全境。早在周秦时期即是有名的经济文化交流、物资集散中心之一。建县于西汉武帝建元六年(公元前135年),历为州、郡及县治地达两千多年。1991年被省政府批准为成渝沿线唯一的省级历史文化名城。
Sichuan Province, the "River"or "Shu", the provincial capital of Chengdu, located in southwest China, the Yangtze River, in longitude 97 ° 21 '~ 108 ° 31', latitude 26 ° 03 '~ 34 ° 19' between. To benefits, benefit, Azusa, Kui four named, the province of the total area of 48.5 square kilometers. Brief plateau phase the west, east of the Three Gorges Xianfeng overlap, north of Qinling Bashan barriers surround the south Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau, the formation of a famous Sichuan Basin. Sichuan Province, vast land and has a long history since ancient times to enjoy the "Land of Abundance"reputation.