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江城县 江城哈尼族彝族自治县位于云南省南部,因李仙江、曼老江、勐野江三江环绕故名江城。与越南、老挝两国接壤,边境线长达183公里,是云南省唯一与老挝、越南两国接壤的县城。3544平方公里的版图,很像一只负重前进却坚忍不拔的金龟。25个民族12万人民在这片土地上和睦相处,繁衍生息。县城所在地勐烈镇,小河淙淙,青山环抱,文明整洁。; 江城地处横断山脉,无量山尾端,有着丰富的自然资源和良好的生态环境。地势呈西北高东南低,最高的狮子崖海拔2207米,最低的土卡河仅317米。江城冬夏两季短,春秋两季长,年平均气温19℃,年平均降雨量2248毫米,为云南省第三位,属亚热带湿润气候。全县河流众多,有3江30条河200多条小溪。肥沃的土壤,温暖的气候,丰沛的雨水,繁衍了各种热带、亚热带动植物。全县森林覆盖率为63%,并与国外的原始森林连成一体,是麂子、白鹇、穿山甲、蟒蛇等200多种珍稀动物们的天堂。
Copyright: 韩 亿国
Type: Spherical
Resolution: 6000x3000
Taken: 14/12/2011
Uploaded: 14/12/2011


Tags: 云南省普洱市江城县
More About Yunnan

Yunnan Province in southwest China border, the provincial capital Kunming. Warring States period, this is the Dian tribe fowl. Yunnan, namely, "Caiyunzhinan"and the other argument is that because in the "Yunling of the South " is named. The total area of about 39 million square kilometers, accounting for 4.11% of total land area, the provincial administrative regions in the country ranked No. 8 in the area. The total population of 45,130,000 (2008), accounting for 3.36% of the population, the population ranked 13th. And Yunnan provinces adjacent to Sichuan, Guizhou, Guangxi, Tibet, Yunnan Province, three neighboring countries of Myanmar, Laos and Vietnam. Tropic of Cancer crosses from the southern province.

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