Can you find the spiral petroglyph carved into a river rock in this sphere image? Look around. It's right there.
One of the things I love about petroglyphs is that nobody can determine who made them, why they were done or even when. The designs could be 100, 1000 or 10,000 years old. Most authorities agree they were made by prehistoric people - but they have been found all around our planet and certainly there was never one single prehistoric people whose culture included the secret of carving designs into solid rock.
Some of the rock etchings show ancient sailing vessels - and that certainly offers a clue as to when they were made. But most of the etchings are abstract designs, like the spiral in this sphere image. The ancient artists liked spirals and they are found just about everywhere that petroglyphs have been found.
People who study this ancient artwork (Petroglyphologists?) have worked out some of the methods used and creating the designs wasn't easy - I mean petroglyphs don't seem, to me, like the spray painted graffiti done by lunatics or love-addled scratchings like "John loves Daisy" that infest our modern world. Petroglyphs were a serious effort taking time and care. No matter what kind of tool they used - and they didn't have metal tools - the rocks they selected to decorate (or at least the designs that survived) are normally very hard rocks. It took the artist a long time to do it. Days, maybe, or maybe weeks.
Which brings me to the second aspect of petroglyphs I find fascinating. They are like little treasures, hidden in wilderness, quietly sitting there in the sun along a river or on a mountain side overlooking a valley. When you stumble upon one it is always a joy, "Hey, over here! I found a petroglyph!"
Judging from the locations where I have found them, I think the artists liked to do these when they were isolated and alone in nature - kind of like some ancient form of meditation.
I get a real thrill when I discover one - even more so when I smile at it in the lazy satisfaction of post-discovery and think how that spiral petroglyph there on that rock alongside the Riviere Dumbea in New Caledonia has striking similarities to petroglyphs found in the European Neolithic period, and on rocks in Mexico, Hawaii, Spain, Great Britain, Australia, Papua New Guinea.... How can that be????
Spirals, circles, crosses, stars, were popular designs with the ancient artists and often they are so similar I can't imagine the art was not passed on from one artist to the next. But that's pretty unlikely. After all, how could neolithic humans from Europe pass on an artistic technique to an ancient artist in the Pacific Islands? Yet there it is, proof positive that long ago some human wanted to, and was able to, fashion a spiral on a rock when tools were, themselves, stones.
So, riddle me this - why a spiral?
I think I'll go look for some more.
ニューカレドニアはオーストラリアとニュージーランドに最も近い南太平洋島です。ニューカレドニアはフランス領であり、フランス語が公用語として使われておりますが、文化はメラネシア、ヨーロッパ、ポリネシア、ベトナム、中国、インドネシア等多くの国の歴史をブレンドした国際的でユニークな文化を築いております。ニューカレドニアには、グランドテールと呼ばれる1つの大きな山の様な島と6つの小さい島があります。– 3つのロイヤルティー諸島、ベレップ諸島、イルデパン島島には果てしなく広がる荒野があり、そして驚くほど住民が少ないアイランドです。また何百キロメートルのウオ―キングトレック、キャンプ場、42以上の公園および特別保留地と輝やく滝を保つクリスタルクリアの川があります。人口3分の1ほとんどがヌメアの首都に居住しています。ニッケル採鉱はニューカレドニア第一の産業として、国の高い生活水準への主な役割をしています。グランドテールは世界で2番目に大きい堡礁に囲まれており、この堡礁によって造られ保護されたラグーンは、世界で最も大きいと言われております。この24,000平方キロメートルの巨大なラーグンは、2008年に世界遺産として記録され、多種多様の魚と無脊椎動物の豊かな動物群をサポートしています。 観光客のご到着しだい、一目に留まる島の活気に満ちたクリスタルクリアでリッチな風景は、皆様に大いに愛され感動なされています。ヌメアでは観光客のご滞在を更にご満喫いただけるよう、こちらの全てのホテル、リゾート、レストランおよび島でのアクティビティーを広範囲でご用意させて致しております。