Petrovaradin Fortress is a fortress in the town of Petrovaradin, itself part of the City of Novi Sad, Serbia. It is located on the right bank of the Danube river. The cornerstone of the present-day southern part of the fortress was laid on 18 October 1692 by Charles Eugène de Croÿ. Petrovaradin Fortress has many underground tunnels as well as 16 km of uncollapsed underground countermine system.
The Clock Tower is a distinctive sign of Petrovaradin fortress and Novi Sad. The diameter of the clock circles on all four sides of the baroque tower is bigger than two meters, and the numbers are written in Roman numerals, such as the rule of Christian churches. Uniqueness of the clock are a big needle that shows hours, and small shows minutes, because for the boatman on the river Danube, the change of guards and military order were significant time, visible from afar. Clock is still operational and rings at the full hours.
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