海关钟楼位于汕头市外马路2号,1919年开工建设,1921年建成,由英国人兴建,是汕头开埠以来最早的建筑之一。汕头海关的前身潮海关解放前一直在此 楼办公,解放后至1988年,海关钟楼也一直是汕头海关总部机关的办公所在地。原来的海关钟楼是两层楼钢筋混凝土结构,建筑面积1556.2平方米,长方 体结构,走廊环绕四周,内部装饰考究,镶嵌在其正门楼顶的大钟为大理石面,黑色罗马数字,海关钟楼也因此而得名。
Guangdong Province, referred to as "Yue ", the provincial capital Guangzhou, the jurisdiction of cities in 21 provinces, including two deputy provincial cities (Guangzhou, Shenzhen), prefecture-level cities 19. Formerly Kwangtung, Canton, is Pinyin GuǎngDōng. Guangdong is the southern coast of mainland China, a province located south of Nanling, the South China Sea, Hong Kong and Macao, Guangxi, Hunan, Jiangxi and Fujian border, and Hainan across the sea. It is a Han Chinese as the main provinces, the country's 56 ethnic groups are distributed in the province. Guangdong customs and in language, history and culture, have a unique aspect, the internal department has three people, and northern China are very different. Guangdong GDP value has surpassed Taiwan as China's most economically developed provinces in the most open culture.