In the 20th century where the electronic devices advance in fast pace, the conventional lighthouse no longer satisfies the demand of an efficient vessel traffic management.To solve the problem, Kaohsiung Harbor Bureau (KHB) planned for the establishment of “KHB Vessel Traffic Management System”.SOFRELOG of France won the bid and completed construction for the system.One of the major facilities of the system was the VTC Control Tower situated on the north side of Port 2 in the Port of Kaohsiung.The control tower, and the five radars, radio system, computerized control system, closed-circuit TV system, VHF wireless direction finders and other high-tech facilities in the harbor area together form the network of the vessel traffic management system (VTMS).The VTMS is able to scan and track all types of vessels consecutively within a 20 nautical mile radius of the Port of Kaohsiung.The information obtained is then transmitted back to the VTC Control Tower for further analysis.This allows the control unit to update the status of vessels inside and outside the harbor, and provide necessary guidance and warnings to the sailing vessels to prevent sea accidents.These installations of electronic and precise systems to facilitate traffic management are one of the important functions in the government’s promotion of an e-Harbor.Sitting on the busy Port 2 of the Port of Kaohsiung, the VTC Control Tower is just like the modern version of the thousand-mile eye and wind-following ear, silently protecting the safety of the sea staff.