Bridge Build by d.Pedro Afonso, 3rd Earl of Barcelos in 1325. In 1450 the future 2nd Duque de Bragança, D.Fernando I, sends the bridge tower, on the same, in the entrance of Barcelos and the walls that the They surround. In 1631 the City Council does works on the bridge by widening and flattening the board; Placement of the puppy for the board support; In the bridge tower is placed the source of Santa Monica. In 1881 the bridge was extended, then replaced the stone guards by iron railing and the calcetary pavement.
According to the abbot of the Bay (Domingos, 1867) before the bridge was passed the river through a barge called "Celi Barca", or "Barca do Heaven", due to the primitive name of the Caval River being Celano; Monday to legend if a pregnant and child's father moved to the bridge, on childbirth, wait until midnight and invite the first man who passes to Godfather, sprinkling the belly with water and a branch of Oliveira child will be robust and healthy;