For travelers from North-East Cambodia, the paths of Laos, Ratanakiri and Mondolkiri all converge in Kratie, a small town on the banks of the Mekong, where you usually spend only one night for lack of knowing what offers the region.
Yet, not far from Kratie, in the middle of the Mekong, there is another Cambodia, a Cambodia barely touched by modern civilization.
Surrounded by sandy beaches for 8 months of the year, constantly refreshed by the breeze of the river, the island of Koh Trong is almost ideal Cambodia, the one vainly seeking many travelers disappointed by the bad modernism that affects now the country of the smile.
No cars but carts, smiling peasants, chiselled fishermen and a rich land whose men made an orchard, "Koh del Trong beats Cheunchien", "the island where the king lost his ring" that one shortened to "Koh Trong", the royal island, is a small paradise.