1945年11月1 5日,《长春日报》的前身《长春新报》正式创刊。从此,长春人民第一次有了自己的报纸。由于国民党反动派的极力破坏和内战爆发,《长春新报》虽然几经停刊复刊,但她始终传播党的声音、人民的声音。为长春解放,共和国诞生谱写下自己光辉的一页。新中国建立之后,她又为捍卫人民江山、发展社会主义事业做出不可磨灭的功绩。从1 954年4月1日起,《长春新报》改名《长春日报》,她前扑后继为宣传、捍卫党的正确路线,倾吐人民心声作出新的贡献。
From Wikipedia: Changchun (simplified Chinese: 长春; traditional Chinese: 長春; literally "Long Spring") is the capital and largest city of Jilin province, located in the northeast of the People's Republic of China, in the center of the Songliao Plain. It is administered as a sub-provincial city with a population of about 7.5 million under its jurisdiction, including counties and county-level cities. The name originated from the Jurchen language. The urban districts of Changchun's city proper have a total population of 3.58 million.