here are some remains of the once famous ILSA (wool manufacture) - one of the important industries in Timisoara where a lot of people have spend their professional life.
for me getting there was a little adventure - passing through a hole in the fence at the sunset -, I think the last remains of the old factory deserves the effort.
the newspaper article with the text - "Adevarul de seara"
Industria Lânii SA
Afacere înfiinţată în secolul XIX, Industria Lânii SA Timişoara a murit încet după Revoluţie, neadaptându-se noilor cerinţe. Din 2003, terenul şi clădirile ILSA Timişoara se află în proprietatea omului de afaceri Ovidiu Tender, care ridică acolo cartierul „Noua Timişoară”. O parte din clădiri sunt ridicate deja, chiar dacă în alt capăt al terenului tocmai se demolează ultimele rămăşiţe ale vechii fabrici.
Business established in the nineteenth century, wool industry SA Timisoara died slowly after the Revolution, un-adapted to the new requirements. Since 2003, land and buildings owned Ilsa Timisoara belong to the businessman Ovidiu Tender, which raises the neighborhood New Timisoara. Some of the buildings are already up, even though at the other end of the property had just demolishes the last vestiges of the old factories.
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