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President Eduardo Frei Road, Highway known as Highway Copper or Copper (H-25), is an important pathway that allows the connection between Rancagua and the copper mines of El Teniente.
Since 1904, Sewell was a mining town owned by the Braden Copper Company, which was connected with the city of Rancagua by a railroad created in 1911. In 1967 you called "Operation Valley," which involved the transfer of mining families Sewell, Columbus and Caletones to live in Rancagua.
At that time, was thought to build a road connecting El Teniente deposits and other mining establishments with Rancagua, replacing the rail. This materialized in 1969 with the construction of the Carretera del Cobre, which allowed a more expeditious transfer of miners to Rancagua.
Sexta Región de Chile - Región del Libertador Bernardo O'Higgins Riquelme