Oneglia (Inéja in Ligurian) was a town in northern Italy on the Ligurian coast that was joined to Porto Maurizio to form the Comune of Imperia in 1923. Oneglia became a papal domain in the 8th century after the Lombards transferred control of the town to the pope. Oneglia suffered from a Muslim attack during this time. However, it later recovered as the town of Ripa Uneliae, and was governed by the bishop of Albenga. The Doria Family purchased Oneglia and Porto Maurizio in 1298. The Dorias ruled the town until the 1500s (there were some brief interludes in which the Doria did not rule the town during this time). One of the Dorias, Andrea Doria, was born in Oneglia in 1466.
La Liguria è una regione italiana di 1.609.552 abitanti (dati ISTAT al 31-10-2007) situata nel Nord-Ovest della penisola e avente come capoluogo la città di Genova. Confina a sud con il Mar Ligure, a ovest con la Francia (regione Provenza-Alpi-Costa Azzurra), a nord con il Piemonte e con l'Emilia-Romagna, a est con la Toscana. La regione Liguria fa parte dell'Euroregione Alpi-Mediterraneo.