seeking for the traces of Saint Nicholas of Flüe, a hermit and ascetic who is the patron saint of Switzerland.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nicholas_of_Fl%C3%BCe Flüeli He is sometimes invoked as "Brother Klaus." He was born in the canton of Unterwalden, the son of wealthy peasants, and made himself distinguished as a soldier in action against the canton of Zurich, which had rebelled against the confederation. At around the age of 30, he married Dorothy Wiss, a farmer's daughter. They farmed in the municipality of Flüeli in the alpine foothills, above Sachseln on the Lake Sarnen. He also continued in the military to the age of 37, rising to the position of captain, reportedly fighting with a sword in one hand and a rosary in the other. After serving in the military, he became a councillor and judge for his canton in 1459 and served as a judge for nine years. He declined the opportunity to serve as Landamman (governor) of his canton.