The Crown of Thorns Starfish, Acanthaster planci, is one of the largest starfish found on the coral reefs of New Caledonia. This specimen is about 45-cm in diameter and they sometimes reach 65-cm in diameter. The Crown of Thorns is also the most famous starfish in the world for two reason, the first is they are one of the few starfish that are dangerous. Their long venomous spines that are so sharp they will slide right through a glove and into a finger with practically no pressure at all. The poison is exceedingly painful and a wound will take a long time to heal, often leaving the hand or foot numb for weeks or even months.
The second reason for their fame is because they eat the living tissues of stony coral. The biggest of the three starfish in this sphere image will probably devour one square metre of living coral in a week. Normally, the Crown of Thorns are rare, with just an occasional specimen found in locations where corals are abundant and able to cope with the starfish. But sometimes the Crown of Thorns undergo population explosions and hundreds of thousands of them infest the reefs, killing almost all the living coral, destroying the complex ecological balance of the reefs. The infestations are a kind of cancer of the coral reef system - where one organism gets out of control and destroys the whole larger ecosystem. These reef cancers have been getting more abundant over the past 30 years and many parts of the New Caledonian coral reefs have been severely damaged. There are many causes for these cancerous outbreaks, but in general they happen when the reef is severely stressed - from overfishing, breakage of the coral during major storms or by explosives, removal of important starfish predators like the giant triton shell,and even pesticides and herbicides that enter the lagoon from agricultural activities.
This reef had over 30 specimens in one area - not a good sign - and as you can see in the sphere image much of the coral is already dead - dark gray algae covered branches of coral instead of the multicolored branches of living corals. There have been attempts at controlling the infestations In some parts of the Pacific, where infestations have had hundreds of thousands of starfish. The controls have successfully protected limited parts of the coral reefs - for example around resorts and in important reserves - but the overall cure is something like finding ways to minimize the incidence of cancer. A healthier life style for the coral reefs requires good reef management systems, including the protection of important species like the Giant Triton shell and the Hump Head Wrasse, reducing fishing pressure on reef fish, and reduction of terrestrial run-off, especially from agricultural areas that use pesticides and herbicides. More on the Crown of Thorns, Acanthaster planci
ニューカレドニアはオーストラリアとニュージーランドに最も近い南太平洋島です。ニューカレドニアはフランス領であり、フランス語が公用語として使われておりますが、文化はメラネシア、ヨーロッパ、ポリネシア、ベトナム、中国、インドネシア等多くの国の歴史をブレンドした国際的でユニークな文化を築いております。ニューカレドニアには、グランドテールと呼ばれる1つの大きな山の様な島と6つの小さい島があります。– 3つのロイヤルティー諸島、ベレップ諸島、イルデパン島島には果てしなく広がる荒野があり、そして驚くほど住民が少ないアイランドです。また何百キロメートルのウオ―キングトレック、キャンプ場、42以上の公園および特別保留地と輝やく滝を保つクリスタルクリアの川があります。人口3分の1ほとんどがヌメアの首都に居住しています。ニッケル採鉱はニューカレドニア第一の産業として、国の高い生活水準への主な役割をしています。グランドテールは世界で2番目に大きい堡礁に囲まれており、この堡礁によって造られ保護されたラグーンは、世界で最も大きいと言われております。この24,000平方キロメートルの巨大なラーグンは、2008年に世界遺産として記録され、多種多様の魚と無脊椎動物の豊かな動物群をサポートしています。 観光客のご到着しだい、一目に留まる島の活気に満ちたクリスタルクリアでリッチな風景は、皆様に大いに愛され感動なされています。ヌメアでは観光客のご滞在を更にご満喫いただけるよう、こちらの全てのホテル、リゾート、レストランおよび島でのアクティビティーを広範囲でご用意させて致しております。