From the past of glory, Sernancelhe keeps a wealth of heritage examples that are still a reference today. Monsignor Cândido Azevedo, in the book “Sernancelhe, Casa da Comenda”, edited by the Municipality of Sernancelhe in 1999, describes them as follows: “(A Casa da Comanda) located in the Historic Center of Sernancelhe, and with the future Library and the artistic and towering pillory in front; the admired and envied Medieval Church next door; the Palácio dos Carvalhos (Marquês de Pombal) to the east; the Municipal Auditorium - former Palace of the Corteses and City Hall - in a closed position; and the revered ruins of the Palácio dos Soverais to the north: it fits into a rare set of Monuments full of grandeur and loaded with history and art, which give it an environment of superior charm and a halo of affection and pulcritude that transport it to the regions of the dream and to the paramos of happiness ”.