After Veyselli Neighborhood, located 18 km to the north of Ayaş Neighborhood of Erdemli District, we need to turn to the old route to Veyselli from Yeniyurt Neighborhood. The place called Sivri Tepe (hill) is an old neighborhood of Veyselli. After going for about 3-3.5 km, we need to turn to south and walk across the fields. There are five reliefs on the front faces of rocks in that site. One of the scenes on the reliefs that are dated to Roman Period is completely broken. On the left stands a woman, and a soldier next to her, accompanied with two more soldiers on the right. There are more remains in Karatepe, which is located on the southwest of Veyselli Tepe. We can see niches on the road, and after a while come to a relief scene where a soldier with a spear in his right hand, and a dagger in the left, stands next to a woman. There is another archeological site on the hill. We can encounter the remains of walls made in polygonal shape, numerous door bars and lintels, and a church with a cistern next to its narthex.