Clubul Inot Masters Timisoara
Swimming club MASTERS Timisoara gathers people who have reached the age of 18 and have the passion swimming, they count among the former athletes with notable performances, current teachers and coaches of swimming, and people who have never practiced swimming performance.
Hundreds of thousands of women and men aged 18 and more - sometimes even over 100 years in many countries around the globe constitue the Masters swimming movement. Their skills are very different sports. Their major interest may be related to strengthening muscle tone, participation in competitions, need socialization and more, but most often it is a combination of these interests.
Masters swimming movement involving adults who practice this sport as amateurs, so the competition regime and as recreational swimming, participation in itself is more important than results.
Clubul de Inot MASTERS Timisoara reuneste persoane care au implinit virsta de 18 ani si care au ca si pasiune inotul, printre ei numarindu-se fosti sportivi cu performante notabile, actuali profesori si antrenori de inot, precum si persoane care nu au practicat niciodata inotul de performanta.
Sute de mii de femei si bărbati, cu vârsta cuprinsă între 18 si, uneori, chiar peste 100 de ani, în numeroase tări de pe glob, constituie miscarea de înot masters. Abilitătile lor sportive sunt foarte diferite. Interesul lor major poate fi legat de întărirea tonusului muscular, participarea la competitii, nevoia de socializare si multe altele, dar cel mai adesea, este vorba despre o combinatie a acestor interese.
Miscarea de înot masters implică adulti care practică acest sport ca amatori, atât în regim de competitie, cât si ca înot recreational, participarea, in sine, fiind mai importanta decat rezultatele.
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