仙寓洞又是一个依山靠岩的石窟寺庙。这里最早是一个道观,后来佛教兴盛。宋朝以后,相继修建了观音殿、大雄宝殿、小雄宝殿等佛教活动场所。清代又有道人黄化等在此开展道教活动,兴建了玉皇殿、老君殿等活动场所。仙寓洞,实际上是一个佛教和道教共同存在的宗教活动场所。 仙寓洞临岩而建的木建筑已损毁。石洞的旧貌犹存,昔日旺盛的香火,依然可辩。一九九四年,香港作家、国际佛教学会研究中心研究员何杰居士捐资修建了释迦牟尼卧佛和紫竹观音。一九九七年,长宁县文物管所又重建了大雄宝殿和小雄宝殿,逐渐恢复了昔日古貌。 从竹海山上下山进洞为仙寓洞的东山门。东山门至和尚殿为佛教活动区。从竹海大峡谷中上山进洞为南山门,南山门至老君殿为道教活动区。
Sichuan Province, the "River"or "Shu", the provincial capital of Chengdu, located in southwest China, the Yangtze River, in longitude 97 ° 21 '~ 108 ° 31', latitude 26 ° 03 '~ 34 ° 19' between. To benefits, benefit, Azusa, Kui four named, the province of the total area of 48.5 square kilometers. Brief plateau phase the west, east of the Three Gorges Xianfeng overlap, north of Qinling Bashan barriers surround the south Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau, the formation of a famous Sichuan Basin. Sichuan Province, vast land and has a long history since ancient times to enjoy the "Land of Abundance"reputation.