Through the next after a mile uphill to get to the source will Šopur. This denstinacije is located in an old beech forest, next to the main Ozrenskog road leading to the village Golak - Sokobanjska remotest villages, famous for sheep cheese and sour milk, which is cut with a knife. The most beautiful eastern Serbia drinking water originates right here, the source is called Šopur, and through him the resort was named. In this source you can pour a cold, clean "Ozrenska dew." The site is structured, there are wooden tables and benches, and the whole site is in the shade of evergreen trees so that on hot summer days you can find here an oasis for your afternoon tea, barbecue with a chilled drink. If you take care of the water we drink, we recommend that you bring the balloons with water and pour water that is by its composition and taste far better than any purchase of water which is why we call it "Ozren dew."
Source: Ozren, Sokobanja