It is located to 77 km of Rancagua and 5 km of Pichidegua. These are a system of ingenious and unique irrigated land that is created data of century XVIII. It allows to water earth that lacked irrigation, thus was necessary to raise the water until reaching the necessary height, which takes place by means of these water wheels, together with by its axis two strong pillars, that moved by the current give returns elevating and soon throwing the vital element by means of containers placed in all the perimeter, most of which has a diameter of five and six meters and some have up to eight meters. National Monuments in 1998 were named, 17 of an approximated total of 40, on the initiative of the Municipality of Pichidegua.
Sexta Región de Chile - Región del Libertador Bernardo O'Higgins Riquelme