Bracelet Bay, with the inner and outer islands of Mumbles Head and lighthouse on the one side, to the other is Tutt Head with the Swansea Maritime Rescue Coordination Centre which covers the area from Marsland Mouth in Cornwall to the River Towy in Carmarthenshire. Beyond Tutt Head is Limeslade Bay and onwards around the coast of the unspoiled Gower Peninsular. The lighthouse, on the outer of the two small islands, was built in 1794. With the lighthouse there are the remains of a fort or gun battery which was built in 1860. The Bristol Channel has one of the highest tidal ranges in the world at 10m. Across the Bristol Channel can be seen the coast of Devon some 24 miles away. Just off the two headlands (Mumbles and Tutt Head) is the Mixon Sandbank, marked with a Red Bouy and bell. At exceptional tides, the Mixon Sands can sometimes be exposed for about thirty minutes, revealing a firm stretch of yellow sand. This could happen maybe once in fifty years or so. On one of these occasions in 1928, Lt. Commander Douglas Probert and his brother, Lt. Commander Phineas Probert together with a friend, Mr. Cleeve Maslin (later killed in action in the Second World War) decided to land on the sandbank and play a game of cricket for the short duration that it was uncovered.
Wales (Cymru in the Welsh language) is part of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. The major cities are Cardiff, Swansea, Newport and Bangor. The city of St. Davids is the smallest city in the UK with a population around 2000. Wales itself has a population of around 3 million. The Welsh language is spoken by around 20% of the population.