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Principal praça de São Luís. Apresenta um grande fluxo de Veículos, com diversas linhas de ônibus e grande número de transeuntes.
Fica localizada no centro da cidade, foi chamada antigamente de Largo do Quartel, por causa da existência do Quartel onde hoje é a Biblioteca Pública Benedito Leite. Em seguida foi denominada de Praça da Independência, de acordo com a lei municipal de 15 de Agosto de 1868. Essa Praça oassou por amplas reformas. Hoje ela é conhecida como Praça Deodoro, homenagem da municipalidade a Marechal Deodoro da Fonseca, homem que se destacou à frente do movimento republicano, dando o golpe de misericórdia no regime monárquico. É local de grandes manifestações públicas. A prefeitura em 1990, liberou para a venda de comércio ambulante, apelidada de Praça do Camelô, porém, sem ato legal.
Here's your soundtrack. Okay, maybe they're not exactly brazillian but their music is awesome and their live shows legendary.Now, Brazil covers almost half of South America and its Amazon rainforest is the world's largest jungle... which is rapidly getting cut down. The country is basically one giant botanical garden with some bangin' cities on its edges.Brazil was colonized in 1808 by the royal court of Portugal, which was fleeing Napolean's troops. They didn't stay long, and Brazil won its independence in 1822.Its biggest city, Sao Paulo, is the financial hub of South America. Brazil is the "b" in BRIC -- Brazil, Russia, India and China. These four were labeled the world's fastest developing large economies in the year 2001.Brazil is known for three things: amazingly beautiful women, carnival, and Pele -- King of Football, Athlete of the Century, football ambassador of the world and a declared national treasure.Brazillians can tell foreigners a mile away, by the way their hips move. Samba is built into the soul of brazil and carnival is when it bursts out into twenty-four hour undying explosions of sound on every street.This picture of mask diving at the Taipus reefs makes me shed hot and salty tears all over my calendar, which is set on "January" right now.Text by Steve Smith.