Панорама снята на площади перед зданием ЗАГС города Благовещенска. На панораме вы можете увидеть здания ЗАГСа, краеведческого музея, улицу Ленина и памятник Святителю Иннокентию, который был одним из основателей Благовещенска.
Heilongjiang is China's most northeastern province, an area of 46 square kilometers, the provincial capital Harbin. As early as three to four million years ago during the Paleolithic, there is human activity here. Heilongjiang Province is located in east longitude 121 ° 11'-135 ° 05 ', latitude 43 ° 25'-53 ° 33 '. The northern, eastern Heilongjiang, Ussuri River as the boundary, and the Russian River; adjacent to the western Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region; the southern border of Jilin Province.