Ghost Peloton is an ambitious collaboration between NVA & Leeds-based Phoenix Dance Theatre, marking the build-up to Le Grand Départ, the start of the Tour de France 2014 in Yorkshire.
Enthusiastic crowds welcome riders on Day 2 of Le Tour de France 2014 as they enter the village of Ripponden in West Yorkshire. Vincenzo Nibali, from Astana Pro Team, passes the camera at the centre of the peloton. He later took the lead on this d...
This is a sequence from the culmination of the Ghost Peloton, an exciting project and live performance commissioned as part of the Yorkshire Festival 2014. It’s a collaboration between NVA, Phoenix Dance Theatre and and Sustrans, the national cycl...
This is a sequence from the culmination of the Ghost Peloton, an exciting project and live performance commissioned as part of the Yorkshire Festival 2014. It’s a collaboration between NVA, Phoenix Dance Theatre and and Sustrans, the national cycl...
This is a sequence from the culmination of the Ghost Peloton, an exciting project and live performance commissioned as part of the Yorkshire Festival 2014. It’s a collaboration between NVA, Phoenix Dance Theatre and and Sustrans, the national cycl...
This is a sequence from the culmination of the Ghost Peloton, an exciting project and live performance commissioned as part of the Yorkshire Festival 2014. It’s a collaboration between NVA, Phoenix Dance Theatre and and Sustrans, the national cycl...
This is a sequence from the culmination of the Ghost Peloton, an exciting project and live performance commissioned as part of the Yorkshire Festival 2014. It’s a collaboration between NVA, Phoenix Dance Theatre and and Sustrans, the national cycl...
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