The lobby of the Casino in the Kurhaus at Baden-Baden is a difficult subject for a stereo panorama because it is not very big and all the hard-edged detail will show stitching errors clearly. I managed to stitch this one error-free by a new techn...
Shot as a single row of 6 stereo pairs with 2x(Samyang 7.5mm circular fish-eye on Sony A5100). Stitched with PTGui 12 as 15 patches: 6 on floor, 9 on walls.
Shot as a single row of 6 stereo pairs with 2x(Samyang 7.5mm circular fish-eye on Sony A5100). Stitched with PTGui 12 as 15 patches: 6 on floor, 9 on walls.
Example for my stereo stitching tutorial. An omnistereo anaglyph that can be viewed in 3D with red/cyan glasses. Two rows of 8 stereo pairs tilted up/down 22.5 degrees; diagonal fish-eye lenses, fov about 150 x 105 degrees. Single exposure, devel...
Example for my stereo stitching tutorial. An omnistereo pair that can be viewed in 3D on a VR headset or with a stereoscope on a phone or computer screen. Two rows of 8 stereo pairs tilted up/down 22.5 degrees; diagonal fish-eye lenses, fov about...
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